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Two Years in the Making: Kayak Pils


You might notice a bit of a change in our house pilsner this time around. What was once Yellow Kayak is now simply Kayak Pils. Why the change you ask? There are a couple reasons.

First, we haven't brewed a single batch of Yellow Kayak the exact same way twice.

It started off far more hoppy, and we’ve progressively sought more balance as time went on. After a while, the changes we continued to want to make to this beer were bringing it outside of the basic profile we'd established for it. It just didn't make sense to call it the same name.

Secondly, we knew we could do better.

We've put a heavy emphasis on lager brewing so far in 2021. We love these beers, and we've tirelessly researched (and taste tasted) them. German-style Pils specifically has been the beer we've most sought to perfect. We've adjusted our recipes, equipment, water profile, and most importantly our entire fermentation process for lagers to bring you the best versions of these beers we can brew.

That brings us to Kayak Pils.

I can't begin to describe the amount of love and attention that has been poured into the most subtle nuances of this beer. Did we reinvent the wheel here? Far from it. This tastes like a classic German Pils brewed with Hallertau hops, premium German Pilsner malts, and a quality German lager yeast. My German grandmother would be proud. We love this beer, and I sincerely hope you all do too.

Order a Kayak slow-pour style for the full Pils experience. Keep an eye out for more tasty lagers coming your way soon in addition to our usual output of tasty hops, stouts and sours.

- Eric, Head Brewer