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New Restriction Updates and Outdoor Sun Bubble Reservations

Hi Friends,

Due to the recent announcement of restrictions in our region, we’re eliminating indoor seating and, instead, offering a reservation system for outdoor covered seating starting Friday, October 23rd. To keep everyone as safe and cozy as possible, we’ve installed some new groovy Sun Bubbles. Here’s a rundown of how it’ll work...

Guests can reserve a Bubble for 90 minutes at a time by using our online store. We ask that you refrain from stacking reservations or booking more than one block per day on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to allow more people the opportunity to enjoy our beer garden. We will require a $15 deposit to confirm a reservation for each block which will be applied to your bill when your reservation concludes. 

Reservation time slots will be offered at Noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, and 8pm slots. Each for 90 minutes which gives us 30 minutes to clean up all the Sun Bubbles before the next time slot. Please do not arrive at the Beer Garden more than 10 minutes before your scheduled reservation and don’t linger too long after your reservation ends since our staff only has 30 minutes to clean all the Sun Bubbles before the next group arrives.

While our nifty Sun Bubbles do soak up the sun’s heat and block the wind very well, they aren’t heated or made of concrete.  We recommend dressing in layers and avoid leaning or even touching the bubbles whilst inside. 

Other Q&As…

Can I bring food?  Yes!

Can I bring my kids?  Yes! Please make sure they stay inside the bubble during the reservation.

Can I go inside to use the bathrooms? Yes! Please just remember to mask up.

Can I reserve two tables? Yes but the State says if you do you can’t mix, so one group in one bubble the other group in the other bubble the whole time.  We can put you next to each other, and you can make faces at each other though.  


Riverlands Brew Crew